
Q & A与特蕾莎鲁尼,“人道的生物控制指南”的作者





看大局。学会理解,我们生活在一个世界,与许多生物分享。我们需要让他们一些空间,然而,我们需要保持安全,使我们的食物和家人保护。这是一个平衡。但一旦你开始看到所有的联锁块你可能会感兴趣,希望更多的多样性在你的室外空间。另一个大问题是使用化学物质,总是阅读,理解和遵守标签。标签就是法律。阅读整个标签。当然在你使用任何化学肥料(甚至)知道为什么你使用它,你想完成什么。很多次自然会纠正的问题如果你让它通过。 If you decide to step in, remember you are taking on a task that nature usually handles ( and in my opinion she usually does a better job than we can). Look at your outdoor space in a different way. It does not have to be a pristine, manicured monoculture. Perhaps you can learn to see the beauty in volunteer plants, an unpruned tree, diverse plantings. One of the things I actually love to see is ‘something’ eating my plants. Especially if it is weeds- then I know that the critter doing the weed eating is usually ignoring my ‘planned’ plants.


我总是爱和着迷自然和所有的动物和植物。我一切都是令人惊异的连接,这些连接增加整个系统变得越来越有弹性。有时候我承认我有'问题'我曾经害怕蜜蜂和黄蜂等——我将冻结或尖叫。然后有一天,我只是想通过,他们比我更小,他们试图去对他们的业务,而不是真的对我感兴趣。帮助我接受他们,我爱他们。我想知道“好那些黄色夹克所以讨厌的是谁?“然后我意识到他们做大量的“清理”死去的昆虫和小动物。嗯谢谢你黄色和黑色的卫生工作人员!现在我喜欢看到它们。如果漫步太近我就悄悄地告诉他们,“我在这里没有你”,他们走开。我知道他们不理解我的话,但安静的话提醒我是和平和项目,这意味着我们都相处得更好。 I am very curious about everything in nature. Every observation I make, information I read, new aspect I meet is just fuel for that curiosity. I love seeing it work together. When I see a new insect or something in my yard I realize my habitat is also welcoming to one more creature (or fungus) that means more activity and excitement. When I see the diversity I realize that nothing will overpower everything else for very long. Those caterpillars eating the chard? Well they are just baby bird food for the birds I have created wonderful habitat to live in. I read Doug Tallamy’s bookÂ把自然回家[3]。真的打我,当你看到杂草/本地植物被吃掉之后通常意味着本地昆虫或动物。他们享受着原生栖息地。他们将食物!想到一个蜘蛛网(好吧,如果你害怕蜘蛛,和我工作这里)链和连接越多,它可以“捕捉”。将持续的时间越长,如果部分是被一只鸟飞通过或删除一个分支。但如果web只有5连接然后甚至打破1蜘蛛是一个大问题。对于那些害怕蜘蛛”¦他们通常出现在更大的数字码在后面的夏天——为什么?昆虫数量增加了足够的为蜘蛛提供食物。蜘蛛在健康的空间,他们吃很多昆虫你会惊讶。 They are your garden helpers. I do understand if you are frightened of them and I am not rebuking you for that. It is what it is. But if you can ignore them, you may find that it gets easier for you. Concentrate on the good they do. That helps me. That is what I think of when the raccoons have killed a chicken or the rabbits girdled a tree I forgot to protect. What can I learn from this? How can I make this not good situation better? I can make sure the chickens are safer, and locked up carefully at night. I can remember to wrap the trees. There are no failures in the garden, only opportunities to learn and grow. Another way to look at this may be to consider the night sky. With just one or 2 stars in it the excitement and beauty seems to be less. If one of those stars goes nova, then you are left with much less to observe. But if you have the sky we see now- filled with stars, galaxies, meteors, planets, comets and yes even, lightning bugs and airplanes and satellites how exciting and beautiful is that! (add an aurora borealis and life is good!)


它更容易随着时间的进展。我来从不同的角度。我对每个人都好做自己的选择。他们有权,尊重他们的决定。我的方法是目前的事实。一个动作的影响。如果你不使用任何反应,会发生什么?如果你使用无机反应会发生什么事?如果你决定会发生什么反应与有机选择吗?有机食品并不总是安全的。 Some of the most deadly substances are organic. People just need to know the options. They need to be guided to think it thru. It does not have to be a long drawn out process. I also find that in so many instances, going organic is cheaper for me and easier. It also sets up my yard and garden to be healthier in the long run and therefore I have less ‘challenges’ in the future. (Notice they are not problems, they are challenges.) I think the main thing I find is that I listen to people and give them the information I know and then I respect their decision. If they can understand I am trying to help- not judge or make them do it my way, they are usually much more open to my suggestions. People have really changed in the last few years, many more now are seeing the big picture and how everything is connected.


就像在建筑,两次测量,一次减少。在园艺计划首先然后植物。而不是植物周围移动。认为事情透。小心你的邻居在做什么。如果有些东西看起来不错,似乎为他们工作找出如何以及为什么和副本最好的特性。如果你知道你有鹿的沉重压力,然后再决定,你可以隐藏你的珍贵的鹿糖果和你可以种植这些物种他们不关心。你能做什么来让大自然来帮助你吗?你能创造一个健康的鸟类和蝙蝠的栖息地,昆虫和杂草种子保存到一个可接受的水平?你能把许多草药伪装兔子美味诱人的香味植物——虽然这些草药可能会鼓励你吃得比较随意吗? Is there a fence that you can install that will deter some of the pests you are encountering? Even my chain link fence can be made beautiful by covering it with clematis, or hops, grape vines or even pole beans and cucumber. Consider when you see the most damage in your yards. Early spring? Just when the flowers are starting to grow and the tulips are blooming? Consider fencing in the fall. It will protect those tender shoots (and stems in the winter) from hungry rabbits. Once the plants are large enough and there is other food you can remove the fencing. Plant food for the critters in an area that is away from your ‘favorite’ plants. Many times a gardener, even an experienced gardener will undergo something they just didn’t know could happen. You don’t know what you don’t know and so as a gardener (or anyone) the need to be open to learn and make corrections is important.














